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Auralia Cosmetic Enhancement

Cosmetic Enhancement

Auralia Cosmetic Enhancement
Unit 2B The Plaza
Park West Business Park
Nangor Road
DUB 12
01 6120551
1850 909100
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About Us

Park West Clinic
Park West Clinic is a leading cosmetic surgery provider for the Irish Market. Established in November 2001, Park West Clinic now has three high quality clinics and a state-of-the-art Hospital. The clinics are located in Park West Dublin, Kilkenny and Limerick. All clinics offer a wide range of cosmetic and plastic surgery procedures.

In our opinion, patient care is the most important factor when it comes to being a cosmetic surgery provider and we pride ourselves in our patient care. A lot of quality time and expense has been invested in our high quality patient care service. We have purposely built a very high quality Hospital located in Park West, Dublin. With this facility we can deliver on our high level of patient care. We are a leader when it comes to patient care both at pre and post operation. We only use the highest of quality products through out our clinics and hospital.

Our Staff
All of our surgeons are Irish Medical Council registered and are all specialists in their given field. We have a very strong vetting process when it comes to selecting our surgeons. All surgeons that operate with Park West Clinic must have a proven track record, be a registered specialist and must reside in Ireland. A Medical Advice Board is in place to ensure that the above vetting process is implemented. All the nursing staff in our clinics are highly trained in cosmetic and aesthetic laser surgery. All nurses in our clinic's have been trained in all the major Irish hospitals and are fully registered. All our staff are highly trained in patient care.

We are Different
We are different due to our optimum level of patient care. We pride ourselves in the fact that we provide a cosmetic surgery service as a medical practice and not a business. We follow a strict medical ethics where the primary concern is the patient and the quality of service. All our patients will have a consultation with the surgeon who is going to perform their surgery and the same consultant will be the one who will see them on their routine follow up post surgery.

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Park West Clinic