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St Marys Abbey Dublin

Heritage Ireland

St Marys Abbey Dublin
Meetinghouse Lane
Off Capel Street
Fax: 01 8332636
01 8331618
Today's Hours: Closed
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About St. Marys Abbey

St. Mary's Abbey is one of Dublin's best kept secrets. It was once the wealthiest Cistercian Abbey in Ireland. Today only two rooms remain - the Chapter House and the Slype. The Abbey, founded in 1139, played a large role in the affairs of the state until its dissolution by Henry VIII in 1539. It was in the Chapter House that "Silken" Thomas Fitzgerald started his unsuccessful rebellion in 1534 and it is in this context that the Abbey is mentioned in the "Wandering Rocks" chapter of Ulysses by James Joyce.  Today it contains a fascinating exhibition put together by the Office of Public Works along with the Dublin Archaeological Society and the History of Art Department of Trinity College, Dublin.