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Dubline City Center

Mount Usher Gardens

Voted Best Garden to Visit in the Republic of Ireland

Mount Usher Gardens
Co Wicklow
0404 40205
087 2301678
Today's Hours: 10:30AM - 6:00PM
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About Us

Laid our along the banks of the River Vartry, Mount Usher has been designed in the Robinsonian* style.  trees, shrubs and herbaceous plants have been introduced from all parts of the globe and are planted in harmony with woodland and shade loving plants.

Like all the great gardens of Ireland, Mount Usher offers varying pleasures at different seasons fo the year.  Rhododendrons in Spring, a blaze of Summer colour and the wistful tints of Autumn, all elegantly set off by the crystal waters of the river.

In addition to the Gardens, Mount Usher offers a comprehensive home produced menu in the Avoca Garden Cafe, as well as a Shopping courtyard which is open all year round.  Ample car parking and coach spaces are available and the Gardens are within easy reach of Dublin.


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